fatsecret Platform API Documentation
Storable Data
Per the Developer Terms of Service, you may not cache any user data for more than 24 hours, with the exception of information that is explicitly "storable indefinitely". Only the following parameters are storable indefinitely; all other information must be requested from fatsecret each time.
auth_secret | Oauth secret key |
auth_token | Oauth key |
exercise_id | Unique exercise identifier |
food_category_id | Unique identifier of the food category entry |
food_entry_id | Unique identifier of the food diary entry |
food_id | Unique food identifier |
recipe_id | Unique recipe identifier |
recipe_types | This option filters by specified recipe types and should be provided as a comma separated string of recipe type names. The values are provided via the api: Recipe Types Get All |
saved_meal_id | Unique saved meal identifier |
saved_meal_item_id | Unique saved meal item identifier |
serving_id | Unique serving identifier |