FatSecret Platform API Documentation

Foods: Autocomplete Search

OAuth 2.0 OAuth 1.0 Latest Premier Exclusive

Returns food elements best matching the search expression specified, ordered by their relevancy to the search expression.

An interactive demonstration of our Autocomplete API can be accessed here

Why are we introducing this version?
Updated json array formatting so it is consistent when one object is returned.

Note: foods.autocomplete.v2 only works for the default region / language combination.

method String Required MUST be "foods.autocomplete.v2"
expression String Required Suggestions for the given expression is returned. E.G.: "chic" will return up to four of the best suggestions that contains "chic"
max_results Int Optional Maximum number of results to return (default value is 4). This number cannot be greater than 10
region String Optional Results will be filtered by region. E.G.: "FR" returns results from France
language String Optional (Ignored unless region is also specified) Results will be in the specified language. E.G.: "fr" returns results in French
format String Optional The desired response format. Valid response formats are "xml" or "json" (default value is "xml").
There are no storable values returned by this call.

Each suggestions element contains information as follows:

suggestion String A suggested search expression

Example Response

Example 1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<suggestions xmlns="http://platform.fatsecret.com/api/1.0/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://platform.fatsecret.com/api/1.0/ http://platform.fatsecret.com/api/1.0/fatsecret.xsd">
	<suggestion>chicken breast</suggestion>
	<suggestion>chicken salad</suggestion>
	<suggestion>chiken wings</suggestion>

Example 1:

  "suggestions": {
    "suggestion": [
      "chicken breast",
      "chicken salad",
      "chiken wings"
Error Codes
2 OAuth 1.0 Missing required oauth parameter: '<details>'
3 OAuth 1.0 Unsupported oauth parameter: '<details>'
4 OAuth 1.0 Invalid signature method: '<details>'
5 OAuth 1.0 Invalid consumer key: '<details>'
6 OAuth 1.0 Invalid/expired timestamp: '<details>'
7 OAuth 1.0 Invalid/used nonce: '<details>'
8 OAuth 1.0 Invalid signature: '<details>'
9 OAuth 1.0 Invalid access token: '<details>'
13 OAuth 2.0 Invalid token: '<details>'
14 OAuth 2.0 Missing scope: '<details>'
101 Parameter Missing required parameter: '<details>'
107 Parameter Value out of range: '<details>'