FatSecret Platform API Documentation
Recipes: Search
Conducts a search of the recipe database using the search expression specified. The results are paginated according to a zero-based "page" offset. Successive pages of results may be retrieved by specifying a starting page offset value. For instance, specifying a max_results of 10 and page_number of 4 will return results numbered 41-50.
An interactive demonstration of our Recipe Search API can be accessed here
Why are we introducing this version?
This version supports filtering by recipe types.
URL / Method
URL (new) Method |
N/A | Required | "https://platform.fatsecret.com/rest/recipes/search/v3" HTTP "GET" |
OR | |||
method | String | Required | "recipes.search.v3" (included with other parameters) |
Additional Parameters
recipe_types | String | Optional | This option filters by specified recipe types and should be provided as a comma separated string of recipe type names. The values are provided via the api: Recipe Types Get All |
recipe_types_matchall | Bool | Optional | This option will affect recipe type filters. If true, a recipe must match all provided recipe types, if false (default) then recipes matching any of the supplied types will be returned, The values are provided via the api: Recipe Types Get All |
search_expression | String | Optional | Search expression to match on food names |
must_have_images | Bool | Optional | This option will restrict results to recipes with at least one image |
calories.from | Long | Optional | Minimum calories that are contained in the recipe |
calories.to | Long | Optional | Maximum calories that are contained in the recipe |
carb_percentage.from | Long | Optional | Minimum percentage of the calories composed of carbohydrate |
carb_percentage.to | Long | Optional | Maximum percentage of the calories composed of carbohydrate |
protein_percentage.from | Long | Optional | Minimum percentage of the calories composed of protein |
protein_percentage.to | Long | Optional | Maximum percentage of the calories composed of protein |
fat_percentage.from | Long | Optional | Minimum percentage of the calories composed of fat |
fat_percentage.to | Long | Optional | Maximum percentage of the calories composed of fat |
prep_time.from | Long | Optional | Minimum preparation and cook time in minutes required to create the recipe |
prep_time.to | Long | Optional | Maximum preparation and cook time in minutes required to create the recipe |
page_number | Int | Optional | Zero-based offset into the results for the query |
max_results | Int | Optional | Maximum number of results to return (default value is 20). This number cannot be greater than 50 |
sort_by | String | Optional | This option will order results. Valid options include: newest, oldest, caloriesPerServingAscending, caloriesPerServingDescending. When not explicitly set, the ordering will be returned by newest |
format | String | Optional | The desired response format. Valid response formats are "xml" or "json" (default value is "xml"). |
Premier Exclusive
. Each recipes
element contains information as follows:
max_results | Int | Maximum number of results to return (default value is 20). This number cannot be greater than 50 |
total_results | Int | Total number of search results matching the search expression |
page_number | Int | Zero-based offset into the results for the query |
Each recipe
element contains information as follows:
recipe_id | Long | Unique recipe identifier |
recipe_name | String | Name of the recipe |
recipe_description | String | A short description of the recipe |
recipe_image | String | URL of this image on www.fatsecret.com |
Each recipe_nutrition
element contains information as follows:
calories | Decimal | Energy content in kcal |
carbohydrate | Decimal | Total carbohydrate content in grams |
protein | Decimal | Protein content in grams |
fat | Decimal | Total fat content in grams |
Each recipe_ingredients
element contains information as follows:
ingredient | String | An ingredient in the recipe |
Each recipe_types
element contains information as follows:
recipe_type | String | Recipe type E.G.: "Appetizer" |
Example Response
Example 1:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<recipes xmlns="http://platform.fatsecret.com/api/1.0/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://platform.fatsecret.com/api/1.0/ http://platform.fatsecret.com/api/1.0/fatsecret.xsd">
<recipe_name>Baked Lemon Snapper</recipe_name>
<recipe_description>Healthy fish with a tasty sauce.</recipe_description>
<recipe_type>Main Dish</recipe_type>
Example 1:
"recipes": {
"max_results": "1",
"page_number": "0",
"recipe": [
"recipe_description": "Healthy fish with a tasty sauce.",
"recipe_id": "91",
"recipe_image": "http://www.fatsecret.com/static/recipe/bf0c5912-9cf8-4e7a-b07a-6703c4b77082.jpg",
"recipe_ingredients": {
"ingredient": [
"recipe_name": "Baked Lemon Snapper",
"recipe_nutrition": {
"calories": "177",
"carbohydrate": "2.23",
"fat": "2.32",
"protein": "35.1"
"recipe_types": {
"recipe_type": [
"Main Dish"
"total_results": "1"
Error Codes
2 | OAuth 1.0 | Missing required oauth parameter: '<details>' |
3 | OAuth 1.0 | Unsupported oauth parameter: '<details>' |
4 | OAuth 1.0 | Invalid signature method: '<details>' |
5 | OAuth 1.0 | Invalid consumer key: '<details>' |
6 | OAuth 1.0 | Invalid/expired timestamp: '<details>' |
7 | OAuth 1.0 | Invalid/used nonce: '<details>' |
8 | OAuth 1.0 | Invalid signature: '<details>' |
9 | OAuth 1.0 | Invalid access token: '<details>' |
13 | OAuth 2.0 | Invalid token: '<details>' |
14 | OAuth 2.0 | Missing scope: '<details>' |
107 | Parameter | Value out of range: '<details>' |
108 | Parameter | Invalid Type: '<details>' |